Saturday, July 6, 2013

Read the Fine Print

OK, so I'm trying to catch up. Having a blog is exhausting.
I think it was, maybe, 2 days ago that we were in Texas. We stayed at this place called The Big Texan Hotel and Ranch, or something like that, and next door to it was The Big Texan Steak House.  This steakhouse is home to the world famous FREE 72 oz. steak dinner  (if you can eat it in one hour)
Now, this place was gluttony, and America, at its finest.
There was a raised stage in the middle of the dining room, where the "contestants" sat.
Those brave enough to try to eat it were up there sawing away at their steaks with the red neon signs above them flashing however much time was left in the hour.
Now, these steaks were humongous. I mean, ginormous. 72 oz, is, about 4 and a half pounds, and you also have to eat a baked potato and some rolls and a salad in order to win. Now remember, you get this whole meal for free, (if you eat it in one hour) If you don't, well, you have to pay for it. 73 dollars to be exact.
These guys were up there on the stage, and they all had garbage cans next to them.  There was a whole crowd gathered around them cheering them on.
One of the guys did manage to finish it, but three others ended up throwing up into their garbage cans.
It was revolting.
But the next morning, when we came back for breakfast it was nice and calm and there was a little buffet filled with fresh melon and pineapple and strawberries, and french toast.
Outside the restaurant their sign boasts the "Free 72oz steak dinner...(if you can eat it in one hour)"
So, be sure to read the fine print before you stop for that "free" steak dinner. 

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