Saturday, August 22, 2015


He asked me
Who I was
I said
I can't answer that
She asked me
If she would be ok
I said
He asked me
Why only now
I said
I can't answer that
She asked me
If she should do it
I said
She asked me
What was wrong
I said
I can't answer that
He asked me
If we would make it
I said


You have made me very aware of the spaces between my fingers
They have become voids,
empty, negative spaces
Golden hour is faded around the edges
Tinged with something darker
A longing
Today I ate plums from a tree until my lips turned yellow
The juice dripped like liquid summertime
But the grass beside me was empty
Lacking you
The bird's song was in E minor,
Trying to summon what I could not feel