Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Glittering Horizon

Tonight we went to this thing called a "Grunion Run" which is a watch for a type of fish.  The short version is this:
A grunion is a very unique type of fish because it is the only type of fish that lays its eggs on land.  The  grunions "run" when the tide is very high, which is either at a full moon or a new moon.  In this case, it was a new moon.
The female swims as far up onto the sand as it can and then digs her tail into the sand.  She lays her eggs there and then the male comes and fertilizes them.  They hatch at the next moon cycle, be it new or full, and then the baby grunions swim out to sea.
So anyways, we were at this thing, and we were seeing zero fish. Zilch. Nada.
Since the tide was so high the waves were huge, and I was playing this game where I would run down as far as the wave went out and then wait until the very last second before the wave touched my feet and sprint back up the beach. One time, when I was pausing in my running I looked to my right and saw a beautiful, brilliantly glittering horizon. The lights from the city were magnificent.  Then I looked out at the sea with the giant waves, which I couldn't even see until they broke.  It would be completely dark and then a white cap would appear out of nowhere. It was then that I realized how lucky I am.
A truck came by and the driver yelled out their loudspeaker that it was 10 o'clock and everyone had to leave, which I think is ridiculous, personally. But since we were with this "grunion run" group, we didn't have to leave.
I went back to my wave racing and admired the city line.
Even if we didn't see any fish it was a good excuse to stay on the beach after curfew.

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