Monday, January 6, 2014

Ramblings to the Extreme

So many things in my mind but not enough words to say them.
I write on this blog to write them out.
And they're not even bad feelings.  They're not even really feelings.  They're just thoughts running around the inside of my mind, bouncing against the walls and each other.  But that's good right?  That I have a busy mind?  It certainly doesn't seem good when I'm trying to fall asleep at night.

Whenever I write on here I find myself wondering if someone important is reading this.  (Of course you're all important. You know what I mean.)  I guess I phrased that wrong.  I wonder if a future publisher is reading this.  And then I wonder what they're thinking, if they find it something people would want to read.
I actually wonder what any of you are thinking when you read this, because no one ever COMMENTS. (hint, hint)
The posts are mostly ramblings, me pursuing what ever thought or notion has been nagging me all day.

Have you ever realized how nice lists are?  It's so easy to make lists.  There's no embellishment necessary, no description necessary, no need to truly express the feelings.  You can simply write everything down with only a number to put it in context.  Let me make a list.
Things running through my Mind: (note that "Mind" is capitalized)
1) Have you ever noticed how weird the seeds of a papaya are?
2) I'm pretty lucky.  I should appreciate that more.
3) I need to call him back.
4) Bring ukulele to school tomorrow.
5) I wish I was reading manga right now.
6) I should probably go practice my violin...
7) Salad sounds  really good right now.
8) I want to go cliff-diving before I die.
9) "Palm trees are not real trees"
10) I wish people would comment on my blog so I know what they think (again, hint, hint)
11) Why should I care? This is my blog.
12) If you want to tell me anything about this blog, or random life stuff in general, please email me!!
13) I need to empty the trash tonight.
And trust me, it gets so much worse when I'm (trying) to do homework.
14) What if this isn't real life.  What if we're dreaming, and dying is just waking up, and when we wake up everything is so much brighter and clearer and more vibrant.  We wake up and everyone who died before us is there and they all tell us how long we were sleeping and that "It's about time you woke up!" And dying isn't dying it's waking up and we've just been asleep for so long that what we think is life seems real but whenever someone dies they're just waking up before us? And we were asleep for so long that actual life that was going on before we went to sleep was completely forgotten but when we wake up everything comes rushing back and we know completely different people and we tell them all about "The strangest dream I just had..."
OK. Now that I wrote all that out of me I really should go do my homework.  And call him back.
Writing really is quite cleansing.  I highly suggest it to anyone who doesn't do it on a regular basis.

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