Saturday, December 28, 2013

Easy Feelings

I've begun to realize that no matter how much I change myself or adjust my feelings I'm always going to have an effect on someone else.
My feelings are not really mine to own.
They are every one's because everyone and everything affects them.
I can tell myself that it wont hurt me or that I can push the feeling down, but it will always be back, knocking on the door of my mind like a girl scout selling cookies.
I've also begun to realize how strong and overpowering a single emotion can be.
We humans are not as strong as we think.  Our feelings and emotions can bring us down as easily as a bomb or gunshot.
These emotions that control us are surprisingly easy to bend and twist to our needs.
A memory or song can pull up so many old stale feelings.
A song can be linked with a memory which can be linked with a feeling, and hearing that song can pull up those memories and drown you in them again.
Feelings need to be kept careful watch on, I think, or else they might end up dragging us around on a leash, instead of the other way around.

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