Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Beginning Of The End

Today is the beginning, and the end.  Nothing will be the same from now forward.  I will have to learn new ways and forget old ones.  Adapt to new places and become stronger.  I will have to learn the ways of the people of the sun, in order to survive.
That sounded awesomely dramatic. ;)
No, but really.
This morning we scrubbed and cleaned and packed and shoved everything into our little black trailer.
We loaded up the dog and ourselves and left behind our home in the valley, for one year, maybe two, maybe forever.
The home where my sister and I were able to run around naked at the precious age where that is allowed without the prying eyes of neighbors.
The house with the cliff and the cave and the bubbling, babbling spring.
The house where I had my first dance party, the house where I discovered I could be creative, and I should, because people embraced it.
The house that was in biking distance of town and school.
The house where the sidewalk started was the beginning of my world.
The house that I could longboard down the middle of the road without a fear of being hit.
The house I never thought I'd leave.
But as we drove away I barely looked back because it would only make me sad again, but that was not the reason I didn't look back.
The reason I didn't look back was this.
The lovely memories that were made there are put away in a golden box and stored safely in the back of my mind, leaving lots of room for new things.  For the smell of salt and sand and the strong coastal wind.
For the crashing of waves and the sound of new laughter.
For new friends and new things, for mexican food and paletas.
Fear not my friends, I won't forget you.
I'll be back to bug you and tell of my fabulous adventures before you can even miss me.
So this is the first day of my journey, and I am facing it with a surprisingly light heart.
Wish me well.  Send me good thoughts and hugs.
Go climb a tree for me.

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