Sunday, June 30, 2013

Because We Can

Ice cream for breakfast.
Mismatched shoes.
Philosophical conversations in tree houses.
Because we can.
Longboarding down the middle of the road.
Singing in the rain.
Rollerblading in a classroom
Because we can.
Holding hands in class.
Sleeping on a trampoline.
Wearing one stiletto and one rollerblade.
Because we can.
Because we can.  Because we can.  Because we can.
It's like a silent mantra flowing through the teenage brain on repeat.
People look at us and raise their eyebrows, and we just raise our glass.
People look at us and frown judgingly, but we just smile back.
Did they even try to get to know us?
Did they even care enough to part the veil of stereotypes and see, that all we want is to be heard?
And seen?
And accepted?
Can't you hear us?
Just listen!
What we have to say is important too.
We are the future, and the future's future.
Shouldn't you care?
Our crazy style and loud music is not meant as an insult.
It is there because we are longing to feel something, to be a part of something.
You can't blame us for trying.

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