Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Walk

Into the forest, I disappear
The trees embrace me, and I let them.
Finally, someone who unquestioningly takes me into their arms and holds no grudge or judgement against me.
Someone who does not laugh at my pure enthusiasm for life or my juvenile yet real dreams.
Pure music floats in one ear and through the other, curling up through the air like smoke.

I pass by a mother and a daughter, the truest kind of love.
The mother wears a shirt decorated with a bulls eye. I briefly wonder if this is her subconscious reaching out for someone to hold her.  "shoot for me," it cries.  "I may be flawed but I still need love."  Because apart from the raven-haired child she looks awfully alone.
They stoop to pick daisies and I smile at them.  I remember a certain day when I was a daisy-picker myself.  I quite devoted one, at that.

I poke and prod at the edges of my mind and wonder what it is that is stuck there.
I consider myself.  Not selfishly.  But I need not explain myself to you, selfless reader.  You're just here for the ride.

I see the world in colors.  When I see a person I think not about what they are or who they wish to be.  I think of them in uniqueness.  Of course the visual is there so it is impossible not to make observations, only they be kind ones coming from this mind.  I wonder who they are, and my thoughts are usually proven wrong.
I wonder if we can be truly truly unique.  Because when it comes down to it we all need the same things.  Love, happiness, nourishment and joy.  Something to keep us going when the going gets tough.  Why do we judge if we could be just as easily judging ourselves?

What if we were born as different people, and one day we passed ourselves on the street and judged us?  What if our eyes met and something linked?

Are we all really so different? People who categorize themselves as different want to be different.  But there is more than one person who wants to be different, so therefore all the different people are united and now kind of the same. And everyone is different from each other, so why do those special few get to be the "different" ones?

At the end of the day, the only things that matter are the dreams we hold most sacred in our hearts, and that is what unites us all.

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